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The Contestation Between Right to Be Forgotten and Freedom of Expression | Dr. Shruti Bedi

In the article titled "The Contestation Between Right to Be Forgotten and Freedom of Expression: Constitutional Silences and Missed Opportunities", published in Volume VI Issue I of the Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal, Dr. Shruti Bedi, in light of the discussion surrounding the right to be forgotten, highlights the importance of striking a balance between two fundamental rights traditionally pitted against each other—the right to privacy and the right to freedom of speech and expression, in India. Through the course of the article, the author analyses the evolution of the right to be forgotten and steps adopted by jurisdictions such as the European Union, Brazil and the United States to reconcile the persisting tensions between the two fundamental rights. The author argues that the two rights are capable of co-existence without conflict, with the help of a cautious filing in of constitutional silences by the Indian judiciary.

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